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What Good is a Blog? It's for Staying in Touch with Readers Like You.

Pat Dunlap Evans

October 8, 2018

Dear Readers and Followers:

I'm supposed to keep my blog fresh, but sometimes writing a new post takes a good part of the day. Writing something worth your time cannot simply be dashed off. There are edits and revisions to be made, and the topic needs to be of interest.

This blog also appears on my Amazon Author Page, where I would appreciate your following me.

One thing this blog is good for is attracting new followers. In this way, readers can learn about freebie download promotions, speaking engagements, and upcoming projects, like my latest novel called BACKSTORY.

"Bridget Jones' Diary meets Adaptation"

I've finished the first draft. The next step is to query literary agents, who remain the primary gatekeepers for authors hoping to land a major publisher. Please wish me luck.

BACKSTORY is literary suspense that combines about 30 letters and 30 screenplay scenes, wrapped between a foreward and afterward by two fictional "editors."

Because of the novel's structure, I call it "Bridget Jones' Diary meets Adaptation," to use some 1980s-1990s films as metaphors. In this work, my protagonist, a wanna-be screenwriter, details her life's struggles and triumphs to her former film professor, with whom she was secretly in love.

Letters Never Mailed

One catch is, my heroine never mails these letters, and they are only discovered thirty years later. The film scenes sprinkled between the letters are from her first screenplay, complete with a spooky stalker.

I can't say much more without giving away the plot, but if you enjoy my work, please be sure to follow me on Amazon and also on Goodreads. With your follows, you will be notified when this third work is available.

Again, thanks very much for reading and reviewing my work!

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