Some of my readers already know, while some may not. My publisher A.M. Chai Literary has redesigned the book cover for Out and In: a mystery-thriller. I loved the original cover concept, shown to the right, because it expertly conveyed the concept of a maestro "playing a woman like a fiddle." But the concept had a bare-backed woman, and in these days of digital publishing, Amazon's advertising bots thought the image was too provocative. After many emails and phone calls to Amazon's advertising platform, it became apparent that each time there were any changes to the novel's advertising campaigns, the cover would be rejected, necessitating even more calls, emails, etc.
Time for a New Cover

Working with my designer pal Pamela Boyd Roberts of the Dallas-Fort Worth area, we developed a new concept to show how the
beautiful Marie Donovan, cellist, had been imprisoned by the circumstances of her life.
We searched stock photos for just the right image and found a lovely, albeit pensive woman cradling a cello. In Photoshop and InDesign, Pam did an amazing job of putting Marie's Asian hair stick pins in the woman's up-do, formatting the title fonts, and especially putting Marie behind bars, which is where the story begins. Metaphorically, Marie was in prison most of her early life.
If you have not yet read Out and In: a mystery-thriller, please take a leap. The sequel to Out and In, called Ice and Fire, is almost complete. Look for that to appear by late October. (Editors do take their time!)
As always, I appreciate your support and am grateful for your reviews and follows on Amazon and on Goodreads.